HealthWaveRX Therapy
Our team of Doctors are excited to be the only provider in the country to bring the only FDA cleared HealthWaveRx therapy to hundreds of Drs across the nation. This is a new tool used in many countries across the globe for promoting natural healing without surgery. We provide all the advertising, patient generation, equipment, territory, training, website, certification, protocols and access to the team of HealthWave Doctors.
HealthWave Rx therapy is indicated by the FDA as a Non-Invasive treatment options for all Musculoskeletal conditions including Knee, Shoulder, Foot, Elbow and Back
HealthWave Therapy is indicated by the FDA as a non-invasive treatment option for patients with heel pain due to chronic plantar fasciitis and all musculoskeletal conditions.
HealthWave supports
Foot and heel pain
Acute or chronic musculoskeletal pain
Release of trigger points
Dissolving of calcified fibroblasts
Stimulation of collagen
Reversal of chronic inflammation
Muscle strain healing
Muscle regeneration support
Muscle spasms
Jumper’s knee
Tennis elbow
Shoulder tendonitis
Achilles tendon pain
Wound Healing